Take us out of the attic

300 plaster statues need your help

The Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam is expanding. Their over 300 classic plaster statues will be on display in the new exhibition halls after the renovation. The heavy statues aren’t easily moved (some don’t even fit through the doors), making this a large and costly operation. To fund the relocation, people can adopt a statue of their choosing on www.haalonsvanzolder.nl during the campaign “Take us out of the attic”.

You’ll pay for the relocation costs of your own statue throught the adoption. We have cut the biggest statues, which are most expensive to move, into virtual chunks, making it possible to adopt those together with other art lovers. We’ve given each statue the possibility to introduce itself online by photographing it and telling its background story. This way you can bond with your very own statue.


Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam

Term: 1 January 2013 - 31 December 2013

Year: 2013

Location: Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam


Crowdfunding film

We tell the story of one of the statues, in this case Laocoön, the Trojan priest central in the famous Laocoön group, in the crowdfunding film.