Life in Layers

Humans in the Noord-Holland Landscape

In 2021, House of Hilde created an ode to the Noord-Holland landscape. The exhibition depicted the history of the creation of the landscape in various layers, and placed humans in it. We go back in time to the very first humans who settled in what is now Noord-Holland 13,000 years ago.

Aak and his goat are centrally located in the space. Aak shows how a child would have looked in the Iron Age.

How did people live and work in their environment through the ages, and what traces and stories of them still remain? The visitor walks through seven different eras and seven different layers of landscape to experience the history of Noord-Holland. You learn what the landscape looked like in the different periods and how humans lived in it.

In the middle of the exhibition is a spectacular model of the landscape on which you can play an interactive landscape game with our human figures in their various time periods.


Noord-Hollands Archief

Term: 1 February 2021 - 31 May 2022

Year: 2021

Location: Huis van Hilde


The Life in Layers collection is still linked with the time period in which in it was found. Bones from a mammoth that roamed the province 10,000 years ago meet bearded cranes from the 11th century. 

‘Ode to the Landscape’ Film

We have developed Ode to the Landscape especially for this exhibition, using historic maps and the realistic human figures from House of Hilde that reveal the history of the province of Noord-Holland.